Finding the Perfect Wedding Day
The main question that you will be asked when spreading the news about your engagement is: “when is the wedding?” Some know right away when they would like to be married, where other couples don’t know where to begin. Start by thinking of any particular season that you would enjoy and if you would like to have anything outdoors. Your honeymoon could also affect when you want to have your wedding.
When searching for a date, don’t assume that it has to be held on a Saturday. For some it works out great to have it on a Friday or Sunday and it is typically a little cheaper that way. Start narrowing your search of dates by avoiding having your wedding close to someone’s due date, graduation, or family vacation. You can’t take everyone into consideration, but it is good idea to take the ones closest to you into account. If you know where you want your ceremony or reception to be held, give them a call and see their availability, some of your ideal dates might already be taken.
Also make sure you leave yourself enough planning time, there will be a lot to do. Many couples give themselves a year to plan their wedding in order to give themselves plenty of time to plan their perfect day.