Baby Shower Coed or Not

by AEA on June 1, 2010

It is becoming more common to include fathers in baby showers, to spread congratulations not only to the mother but also to the father.  The idea of a couples baby shower frightens some men, with the idea that they will be stuck in the room full of women playing girly games and talking about women issues.  The shower doesn’t have to be that way. Here are a few ways to make sure everyone enjoy themselves.

-Be careful when it comes to planning games, most men would rather have the games eliminated or kept very minimal.   If you do chose to games find games that everyone will be comfortable playing.

-Make sure the father to be is not the only male at the shower.   You don’t want the women to triple the amount of men.

-Don’t have a lot of frilly pink or girly decorations.   Make the theme and activities gender neutral.

-Include both the mother-to-be and father-to-be to make any decisions regarding the shower.   Make sure that they both have input on the guest list and encourage them to go register for the baby together.

-Let them both take turns opening the gifts.

-Make the food be one of the main focus points.   Men love food.

Some people perfer to let baby showers remain girls olny and some lean towards including men, there is no right way to do this.  For many father’s-to-be, it helps them feel more connected in the pregnancy and feel more important in their role of bringing home the new little one, while some dads would rather aviod the whole baby shower idea.  To read some more ideas on how to host a fun co-ed shower go to

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