Mystery Gift
Age: 3 +
- Paper Bags
- Small Holiday Items
- Pencil
- Paper
Players: 4 +
Preparation: Pick out some small Holiday items and place each of them in a bag. A few good ideas would be:
- Ornaments
- Candy Canes
- Tissue Paper
- Mistletoe
- Coal (rock)
- Santa Hat
- Mini Christmas Tree
- Christmas Lights
- Candle
- Bells
- Stuffed Animal (Reindeer, Penguin, Santa, etc.)
- Spool of Ribbon
- Small Wreath
After you have all your items in the bag tape or staple it shut. Number all your bags and write down what is in what bag on a separate piece of paper.
How to Play: Pass out paper and pencils to all your players. They can all take turns feeling your bags and guessing what is inside. The person that gets the most right wins.